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Real Stories Of Transformation From Fall 2024 

Regaining Composure Under Pressure

Whenever I started losing in a tennis match, I used to get angry and lose focus. After using the “exiting the high zone” strategy, I no longer stay stuck and can quickly regain my composure. I have made several comebacks and eventually won both the match and the tournament.

Turning Criticism into Opportunity

I used to get annoyed when I received criticism. For DECA mock auditions, a high schooler grading me was very harsh and gave me a lot of suggestions for improvement. I decided to accept her feedback assertively, and as a result, I qualified for the state-level competition.

Mastering Public Speaking

I applied the PRESTO technique of public speaking to our presentation at the science fair, and we ended up receiving the judges’ award.

Emotional Clarity: Finding Balance

Earlier, I was unable to identify my EQ zone, and my mood fluctuated often from high to low as situations occurred. Now that I’ve learned about these zones, I can identify them and use strategies to bring myself to a state where I can solve problems rationally. I use both my “treasure chest” and my five senses to reach a point where I can make logical decisions, and I give myself 24 hours before making big decisions.

 Managing Time, Managing Stress

Time management has really helped me feel less stressed and frustrated. It has improved my grades, and since my workload was the biggest thing keeping me in my low zone, time management has helped me stay out of that negative state.

Finding Your Voice Assertively

I used to be afraid of pointing out things I didn’t appreciate. After learning about assertive confrontation, I can speak my mind without upsetting myself or others.

Building Connections with Ease

I have found the concept of networking skills very useful because I have made many new friends. Now it’s easy for me to talk to others whenever I go to a party.

Applying Design Thinking to Biology

I applied the principles of design thinking to my HL IB Biology project by first empathizing with my teacher’s expectations. Instead of taking the instructions at face value, I asked detailed questions to clarify what they were looking for. This deeper understanding allowed me to tailor my submission, ultimately earning me an additional 10 points on my grade.

Embracing Creative Complexity

I have learned to be okay with the messiness of brainstorming to arrive at the best idea instead of sticking with the first idea for my school projects.

Goal-Setting for Steady Progress

I used to study only when I felt like it, but after learning about goal-setting, I now follow a daily schedule. This has reduced my stress since my workload is spread out over the entire week.

Turning Setbacks into Strengths

Before, I would blame myself for bad test grades and remain stuck until the feeling passed. In this class, I learned to recognize the “my fault trap” and how to exit it. Now, if I get a bad test grade, I focus on studying harder for the subject.

 Conquering the Stage

I used to lack confidence when presenting; I was nervous and scared of public speaking. After learning about presentation skills at Frolific, my presentations have become more engaging and fun. Last week, I was chosen to introduce a band at my school concert. My band director recognized my presentation skills, calling my introduction the most fun and energizing.

Driving Innovation in the Classroom

I had a history project. Usually, I would have started it right away, but this time I sat down and thoroughly examined the rubric to understand what it was asking for. I redefined the prompt using design thinking and revised my project multiple times. I ended up earning a 101!

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